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Posture Checks

Posture Checks represent environmental state (posture) that an endpoint must be in, in order for a Service Policy to grant access to a service as either a client or host. Posture Checks are defined separately from Service Policies and assigned to them via attributes on the Posture Checks and attribute selectors on the Service Policy.

Posture Data

Environmental state is saved as Posture Data - a set of values describing environmental state. Posture Data is provided to the controller via Posture Response sent from the client. Posture Responses are constructed from Posture Queries which are reported to the client per service from the controller.


Posture Checks are event based and are evaluated as events are encountered. Once evaluated failure states begin to restrict access as Service Policies being to fail their associated Posture Checks. One exception to this is the MFA Posture Check which has grace periods for some scenarios.


A single Service may be granted to a client through multiple Service Policies. Only one of those policies needs to be in a passing state for access to be granted. For example creating two Service Policies, one with Posture Checks and one without, to the same service and client will result in the client always having access. This is because one Service Policy lacking Posture Checks will always result as passing.


Posture Checks are associated to Service Policies through Roles and Role Attributes. Attributes on each Posture Check created will be selected for on Service Policies via the postureCheckRoles as an array of selected roles. Service Policies are associated to Identities in the same fashion via identityRoles and the attributes on Identities.


The following Posture Check types are currently defined:

  • OS / OS Version - requires a specific operating system and optionally a specific version or versions
  • MAC Address - requires the client has a specific MAC address associated with its hardware
  • MFA - requires the client currently has MFA TOTP enabled
  • Multi Process - requires a client be running one or more applications
  • Windows Domain - requires the client be a member of a specific domain

Operating System

The OS Posture Check type is used to verify a client's operating system and optionally version

Supported OS Types

  • Windows
  • Windows Server
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • Android

Versions may be validated with any valid Semver 2.0 statement. This includes the ability to specify ranges by major, minor, and patch levels. Operating systems that do not have an explicit patch level, their build number will be used instead.

Semver Examples

  • >=1.2.7 <1.3.0 would match the versions 1.2.7, 1.2.8, and 1.2.99, but not the versions 1.2.6, 1.3.0, or 1.1.0
  • >=1.2.7 would match the versions 1.2.7, 1.2.8, 2.5.3, and 1.3.9, but not the versions 1.2.6 or 1.1.0
  • 1.2.7 || >=1.2.9 <2.0.0 would match the versions 1.2.7, 1.2.9, and 1.4.6, but not the versions 1.2.8 or 2.0.0


Ziti CLI

ziti edge create posture-check os windows-and-android -o "WINDOWS:>10.0.0,ANDROID:>6.0.0" -a check-attribute1

Edge Management API

POST /edge/management/v1/posture-checks

"typeId": "OS",
"name": "windows-and-android",
"operatingSystems": [
"type": "WINDOWS",
"versions": [">10.0.0"]

"type": "ANDROID",
"versions": [">6.0.0"]
"attributes": ["check-attribute1"]

MAC Address

The MAC Posture Check type is used to verify a client's network interface cards MAC addresses. MAC Addresses that are not specified will fail the check.


Ziti CLI

ziti edge create posture-check mac mac-lsit =m "14-B2-2C-E5-F0-61" -m "D5-22-E8-B7-FF-48" -m "..." -a check-attribute1

Edge Management API

POST /edge/management/v1/posture-checks

"typeId": "MAC",
"name": "mac-list",
"macAddresses": ["14-B2-2C-E5-F0-61", "D5-22-E8-B7-FF-48", "..."],
"attributes": ["check-attribute1"]


The MFA Posture Check type is used to enforce MFA TOTP configuration on a client. Posture Checks enforce access authorization. For authentication enforcement, see Authentication Policies.


MFA Posture Checks also support forcing a client to re-submit a valid TOTP on timeout, after locking/unlocking a device, or waking a device from sleep.

Timeouts are set through the timeoutSeconds property. Where values 0 and -1 represent no timeout.

Forcing submission on lock/unlock is set through promptOnUnlock as true or false. After an unlock event the client is given a five-minute grace period before the posture check begins to fail.

Forcing submission on wake is set through promptOnWake as true or false. After a wake event the client is given a five-minute grace period before the posture check begins to fail.

Ziti CLI

ziti edge create posture-check mfa my-mfa-check -s 3600 -w -u -a check-attribute1

Edge Management API

POST /edge/management/v1/posture-checks

"typeId": "MFA",
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"promptOnWake": false,
"promptOnUnlock": false,
"attributes": ["check-attribute1"]

Multi Process

The MULTI_PROCESS Posture Check is used to verify that one or more programs are running on the client. It can optionally check sha256 hash as well as digital signers on Window.


Multi Process Posture Checks allow multiple processes to be defined which either all of must be running or one of must be running. The semantic of the check determines how the processes are evaluated. AllOf requires that all processes define in the check must be running. OneOf requires only one of the processes to be valid.

All processes are checked to be running from the binary provided in the path setting.

Valid sha256 hashes of a binary may be provided in the hashes.

If the file is digital signed (Windows only) the signerFingerprints may be provided. Signer fingerprints are the sha1 fingerprints (thumbprints) of valid signing certificates.

Ziti CLI

ziti edge create posture-check process-multi my-proc-multi AnyOf "Windows,Linux", "C:\\program1.exe,/usr/local/program1" -a check-attribute1

Edge Management API

POST /edge/management/v1/posture-checks

"typeId": "PROCESS_MULTI",
"name": "my-proc-multi",
"semantic": "OneOf",
"processes": [
"os": "WINDOWS",
"path": "C:\\program1.exe",
"hashes": ["421c76d77563afa1914846b010bd164f395bd34c2102e5e99e0cb9cf173c1d87"],
"signerFingerprints": ["79437f5edda13f9c0669b978dd7a9066dd2059f1"]
"os": "LINUX",
"path": "/usr/local/program1",
"hashes": ["b16d66911a4657945bf1929bc1a9d743168b819d9b19d1519eb29ffb3db140a4"],
"signerFingerprints": ["882106ca75dc47a5ffd055e640b30c2e01789521"]
"attributes": ["check-attribute1"]

Windows Domain

The DOMAIN Posture Check is used to verify that a Windows client has joined a specific Windows Domain.


Ziti CLI

ziti edge create posture-check domain domain-list -d domain1 -d "domain2" -a check-attribute1

Edge Management API

POST /edge/management/v1/posture-checks

"typeId": "DOMAIN",
"name": "domain-list",
"macAddresses": ["domain1", "domain2"],
"attributes": ["check-attribute1"]

Viewing Identity Posture Data

For troubleshooting purposes it is possible to view an identity's current Posture Data.


GET /edge/management/v1/identities/<id>/posture-data

<empty body>


"data": {
"apiSessionPostureData": {},
"domain": {
"lastUpdatedAt": "2022-08-03T11:03:29.451Z",
"postureCheckId": "-GIxFATMg",
"timedOut": false,
"domain": "MYDOMAIN"
"mac": {
"lastUpdatedAt": null,
"postureCheckId": "",
"timedOut": false,
"addresses": null
"os": {
"lastUpdatedAt": "2022-08-03T11:03:29.375Z",
"postureCheckId": "OZimG0oGR",
"timedOut": false,
"build": null,
"type": "windows",
"version": "10.0.19044"
"processes": [
"lastUpdatedAt": "2022-08-03T11:03:49.803Z",
"postureCheckId": "62yttIAeJ",
"timedOut": false,
"signerFingerprints": []
"lastUpdatedAt": "2022-08-03T11:03:49.986Z",
"postureCheckId": "Gh5DOegtE",
"timedOut": false,
"signerFingerprints": []
"meta": {}

Viewing Failed Service Requests

For troubleshooting purposes it is possible to view the last fifty failed service requests due to Posture Check failure.


GET /edge/management/v1/identities/<id>/failed-service-requests

<empty body>


"meta": {},
"data": [
"apiSessionId": "ckytwv9811tqz15mzoyfi1uvb",
"policyFailures": [
"policyId": "Nk43EwJKE",
"policyName": "TestPolicy1",
"checks": [
"actualValue": {
"passedMfa": false,
"passedOnUnlock": false
"expectedValue": {
"passedMfa": true,
"passedOnWake": true
"postureCheckId": "5Ucbw.tjo0",
"postureCheckName": "TestCheck1",
"postureCheckType": "MFA"
"serviceId": "iGoRLhrx0",
"serviceName": "TestService1",
"sessionType": "Dial",
"when": "2022-01-25T10:18:45.257Z"